Bonuses at Grand Vegas Casino
There are many different bonuses at Grand Vegas Casino that may be used by newcomers and frequent site customers. Those who decided to try their luck at Grand Vegas Casino playing for real money for the first time receive bonus combination for first three deposits. Sum of casino premium may account as high as $555.There are many permanent bonuses at Grand Vegas Casino that can be activated by every player. For example, weekly bonus from ‘Cosmopolitan’ magazine that is $100 for 100 dollar deposit, monthly 100% bonus on the beginning of the month and bonus on the middle of month for deposits up to $200.
Wild Vegas bonus, which gives an opportunity to make deposits up to $200 to $154 bigger thanks to 77% premium, is also interesting. Bonus was invented in summer 2010 and helped gamers to pass live evil times out again and again. Worth to mention that all this premiums have a certain tough wager that makes 30 deposit+30 bonus.
If you prefer table games and decide not to use above mentioned casino bonuses, then you may try CASHBACK bonus that allows returning 5% of sum lost in case of lost lesser than $5000 and 10% of sum lost higher than $5000.
Wisely using bonuses at Grand Vegas Casino you could play at online casino much longer and much more effective, gaining gambling experience and getting acknowledged with new games.